16/18mm double end Spark Plug SpannerRegular price €19.90
Bi-component metalRegular price €9.20
Bladder Hydration - spare partRegular price €29.50
Camelbak Hydration - Slim ed.Regular price €29.50
Chemical LightRegular price €8.10
Compass with Mirror & WhistleRegular price €15.50
Double sided Metal blanketRegular price €9.80
Duck tape heavy dutyRegular price €3.90
Enduro Race WatchRegular price €205.00
First-Aid kitRegular price €22.50
Foldable pliers with 15 toolsRegular price €29.00
Gasoline Suction pipe with pumpRegular price €19.90
Enjoy this long video about the beauty and the difficoluty of navigation in the toughest desrt in the world, the magnificent Sahara!